Lipoedema Information

NB: Lymphoedema, Lipoedema, and Post-Surgery recovery are complex conditions that require a thorough assessment by a fully qualified therapist. As Australia's most highly trained therapist, I assess every patient before their visit to ensure appropriate lymphatic drainage therapy, which may not be suitable in certain cases. Please exercise caution when making online bookings.

Some of the photos on this site are shared with the explicit permission of my friends at the Lipedema World Congress.

Lipoedema Surgery Australia Facebook Page
Hippy Lippy Lady Lipoedema Awareness Facebook page



Kristin is a Ausmed Lymphoedema & Lipoedema Educator

(if your Dr doesn't know about this disease, direct them through this link Ausmed Lipoedema Lecture)





What is lipoedema?

Lipoedema is a disease of the fat and connective tissue. It mainly affects women but can affect men and often develops around times of hormonal change, puberty, pregnancy & menopause. Lipoedema connective tissue is different, it has gaps for fluid, gel, and fibrosis to form.

Some signs of lipoedema:

• Fat tissue changes affecting the legs, buttocks, hips, abdomen, arms, breasts & under the chin
• Fat ‘bulges’ or 'fat pads' develop around the knees or at the hips, this is now known as 'Compartment Syndrome' and can be managed using Reid Sleeve Compression Garments
• The body may look out of proportion; the upper body is smaller than the lower body
• Waistline may be narrow in comparison to hips
• Feet and hands are usually not affected
• The area may bruise easily, with broken blood vessels, and/or varicose veins.

What lipoedema may feel like:

• The skin and tissue can feel very soft and may be cold to the touch.
• Some people feel small lumps (called lipomas) in the enlarged tissues.
• There may be pain in the affected areas, especially when pressure is applied.
• Legs may feel heavy, tired, and aching.







Types of Lipoedema









Lipoedema Fat & 

Regular Fat


Excess dieting, exercise or weight loss surgery does not change Lipoedema fat.

(Photo from

Lipoedema comes in different shapes and types